Wall of Rad

Wall of rad logo

Congratulations! You got rad and completed a PG Challenge!
Your name adorns one of the most awesome walls in cycling. You are now the envy of all of your friends and rightly so, you earned it!Complete 3 of 5 Challenges to earn your PG Challenge pin.

Do the challenges, get rad, come to Party Super Awesome (the party is open to all!) where we will be giving away a bunch of prizes i.e. the GRAND PRIZE – 2 people will earn entries to Sedona MTB Festival 2018, socks, water bottles, hats, cycling clothing, hydration pack and a wheelset.

Do the challenges, get rad, come to Party Super Awesome (the party is open to all!) where we will be giving away a bunch of prizes i.e. the GRAND PRIZE – 2 entries to Sedona MTB Festival 2018, socks, water bottles, hats, cycling clothing, hydration pack and a wheelset.

Paradise Garage Challenge #1 – Columbus Loop – 5/15/2016

  • Jordan Katterheinrich
  • Cameron Reagan
  • Ryan Stalter
  • Matty Mitchell
  • Dave Binkley
  • Dan Monnig
  • Dave Farnham
  • Rob Luikart
  • Tess Cunningham
  • Steve Coss
  • Hunter Armstrong
  • Chris Arndt
  • Kurt McCabe
  • Ben Peacock
  • Meagan Gehrke
  • Bob Sowga
  • Shannon Tenwalde
  • Matt Locke
  • Julia Wu
  • Jen Malik

Paradise Garage Challenge #2 – Tour D’ Alum

Postponed due to weather

Paradise Garage Challenge #3 -Candyland

  • Rob Luikart
  • Tess Cunningham
  • Bob Sowga
  • Hunter Armstrong
  • Christopher Boyle
  • Katie Fahey
  • Dave Binkley
  • Scott Hencye

Paradise Garage Challenge #4 -Chestnut Ridge

  • Rob Luikart
  • David Binkley
  • Chris Knapp
  • Hunter Armstrong
  • Allen Cooper
  • Steve Herron
  • Jim Crowley
  • Matt Locke
  • Jen Toops
  • Anthony Toops
  • Emily Dryer
  • Ben Grier
  • Steve Coss

Road Route:

  • Chris Arndt – 6/3/2017
  • Lauren Kraft – 6/3/2017

Paradise Garage Challenge #5 – Great Seal

Postponed due to weather

  • Chris Arndt – 7/9/2017
  • Rob Luikart – 7/9/2017


Paradise Garage Challenge #6 – Bride of Frankenbike

Bonus Challenge: 2 Laps at Mohican State Park MTB trail

  • Chris Arndt – 7/2/2017
  • Jen Malik – 7/2/2017